Braylon Lewis C/O 2028 Edge

Playing With Edge
Braylon Lewis C/O 2028 Edge
To play the position edge rusher, it’s a must you play with an edge. Braylon Lewis certainly brings that to the table which makes him one of the best in the state in his class.
“The last season was amazing for me and teammates we won our championship, very good chemistry with my with my team and I loved my coaches.” Says Lewis.
During the off-season is where big time players are made. Big time players put in big time work and that’s what Lewis has been doing.
“My off-season has been hitting the weight room everyday I can and being locked in, I go to D-line training and LB training every Saturday. And I have been to lots of camps to lead me to very good exposure.”
All of that work that’s being put in is almost ready to put to use.
“My plans for this season is play as hard as I can get invited to camps ,and bowl games get stronger and go to training every chance I get.” Lewis said.
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