Mekias Melaku C/O 2029 Grayson CB/WR

Mekias Melaku Looks To Make Early Impact
Mekias Melaku C/O 2029 Grayson CB/WR
“My off-season has been going better than ever, I have been improving on my speed and agility such as breaking on my back pedal, turning my hips, and also perfecting my routes as a wide receiver.”
A true ball player who can do it on both sides of the ball has very high goals for themselves. Melaku doesn’t hold back on the field and he doesn’t on his expectations either.
“I expect at least 3 interceptions 1 of them have to be a pick 6, 15 tackles, and at least one reception on offense leading to a championship.” Says Melaku.
“I enjoy everything such as hitting, running, backpedaling, breaking/cutting it’s a fun and a enjoyable sport.”
Big time goals for big time players like Melaku are always the standard and he expects to reach those goals early on in his career.
Melaku says, “My goals are to just be a great db and be coachable and to get better over the season. As a team our goal is to win the championship on both D1 and D2 for GFL.”
“I also expect to be training everyday possible including today by going to the field to get some work in. My goal is to eat healthy every day and eat high protein meals everyday such as rice and chicken and protein shakes and snacks and cut the fast food followed by drinking a gallon of water every day.”
Once a student-athlete is that committed it’s a very big sign of a successful future for someone like Melaku!
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