Devin Ortiz C/O 2028 North Cobb S/WR

Straight To Business
Devin Ortiz C/O 2028 North Cobb S/WR
7v7’s I’m off-seasons are now bigger than ever. It’s a great way to keep the athletes skillset sharpe. As for Ortiz, it’s been really keeping his skills like route running and catching the ball very sharpe.
“My off-season has been great playing 7v7. My route running has been great and my ability to catch the ball is great.” Says Ortiz.
Ortiz expects big things from North Cobb this season and he expects nothing less from himself.
“I expect us to have a great record and to improve a lot this season.” Ortiz simply states.
Ortiz is straight to the point with what he wants to get out of his teammates and himself during the season. It all starts with the off-season and you have to find joy and appreciation for the hard work being put in or it will consume you to no end. For Ortiz, he finds the enjoyment in it all.
“I enjoy the contact and the amount of ways to score. Also, my speed has a big advantage when i’m running my routes.” Says Ortiz.
Lookout for Ortiz in the near future and expect improvement from his team this year.
IG: @_odevinn