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Kaiden Kent – Early Success Rises for Kent

Kaiden Kent – Early Success Rises for Kent

Kaiden Kent – Early Success Rises for Kent

In Purple Hurricane country, there is no such thing as a “rebuild.” In Cartersville, they expect to “reload.”

One athlete who will be a household name is Kaiden Kent. An athlete who can make plays at any given moment on the gridiron and as humble as they come at such a young age.

We asked Kent what last season was like for them.  His team went undefeated in the season and won the championship. While that was their goal in the beginning of the year, Kent would add to that successful season by scoring touchdowns on offense any chance he got. Kent also won B2C Defensive Back of the Year for the second year in a row.

We asked Kent how his off-season has gone. “I had a really good 7v7 season playing with Hustle Inc, with some of the best players in my class. I was able to attend UGA and Alabama Camps and visit Colorado State and Colorado University this Summer. Training with my dad and Oliver Davis this offseason has helped me be ready for the upcoming season.” Says Kent.

When talking to Kent about what he feels are good goals for himself and his team, we dove in to find out what he has planned along with his team. “My plans for our team is to win the GMSAA Championship and finish our middle school season winning 3 straight championships as a team. My goal for myself is to continue getting better at football and win the B2C Defensive Back of the year and get my name out there for colleges while improving my leadership skills and becoming a better vocal leader.” Says Kent.

One thing is for certain when it comes to Kent. The  mindset he posses at this age along with the God given talents and hard work, he will be a special player for years to come.

Twitter: Kaiden2kKent
IG: 2k_being_2k


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